PSP-AR100-IS is screen printable silver paste that is designed for rugged application use. The silver paste system is designed to withstand acid dipping processes. It is used in applications such as display sensors and general printed electronics.



Product Description
PSP-AR100-IS is screen printable silver paste that is designed for rugged application use. The silver paste system is designed to withstand acid dipping processes. The paste is used in applications such as display, sensors and general printed electronics.
Product Benefits

  • Good printability
  • Acid and solvent resistance
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Good screen residence time               
Paste Preparation
PSP-AR100-IS is a single part paste system. The material should be used within 6 hours of removing the paste from its container. After 6 hours, quality cannot be guaranteed. Once the paste has been removed from the container for printing, this may introduce contamination. Please do not replace the paste in the container.
Properties of Uncured Paste
Test Properties
Viscosity after mixing (Pa.s)
(Cone and plate 50s-1, 20oC)
Thinner For slight adjustments in viscosity, please contact us.
Coverage 170 cm2/g
Solids content 60-70%

Paste Processing Conditions
Parameter Typical Properties
Substrate Glass/ITO-Glass
Screen 325 SS, 13 µm emulsion
Flood speed 50 mm/s
Print speed 50 mm/s
Squeegee type 80 durometer (Red)
Squeegee pressure 2.5 kg
Squeegee holding angle 60o

Printed structures should be dried at 200oC for 15 mins in an oven or at 230oC for 8 mins in an IR drier.
Properties of Cured Paste
Test Typical Properties
Thickness ~5-6 µm
Sheet resistance <18 mΩ/ □ /mil
Surface roughness (Ra) <1 µm
Adhesion 5B
Hardness 7H
Resolution (L/S) 250 µm

The material will withstand washing in <15% nitric acid for 60s without change in adhesion or resistance.

Reliability Data

Equipment can be cleaned using alcohols such as propanol.
Storage and shelf-life
Containers should be stored in a fridge (4˚C) with lids tightly sealed. The paste shelf-life for an unopened container is 6 months from date of shipment. Please ensure the material has time to reach room temperature before use. Avoid introduction of water into the paste.
Safety and handling

For safe use of this product, please review relevant material safety and datasheet (MSDS).

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